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March 28, 2017
Engaged employees are key for growing your business, and communication is a vital element for building employee engagement. When it comes to communication, convenience store associates like to go old school. This may be the age of social media and email, but associates still crave team meetings and face-to-face sessions.
When asked what one thing their company could do to most improve employee satisfaction, convenience store associates ranked management first and, within that topic, said the most improvement is needed in communication and teamwork. Asked to further explain, associates said “regular store meetings help keep everyone on the same page.” By everyone, they mean all management and support staff, especially when there are policy changes. Otherwise, inconsistency follows.
Many also feel one-on-one meetings between managers and associates are essential, especially when providing necessary feedback. One respondent said such meetings should be held at least twice a year.
For more insight on how to make employee engagement a priority in your company, check out People Power for C-Stores, the latest report from CCRRC North America NACS. The report is available for free download on