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September 29, 2017
Looking for ways to survive the rapidly changing challenges of retail today can force all businesses to consider how to successfully evolve. A great first step might come from an honest appraisal of current capabilities. For example, consider the following questions:
- Do you have a comprehensive understanding of who your current and target customers are? Along with that, do you know how to measure what those customers value?
- Are you able to adapt your strategy and value proposition based on shopper insights and emerging trends?
- Do you have strong analytical skills and tools to continually generate insights and ideas about your customers?
Those are just three of 21 questions readers can find in the diagnostic tool included in the newest report from CCRRC North America, titled “Surviving the Brave New World of Food Retailing.” The questions can hopefully help companies examine their relevance, their digital capabilities and their ability to stretch boundaries.
Companies are urged to use the tool to identify areas of strengths and weakness so that companies can be best able to take on new challenges and meet shopper needs.
The full report, including the diagnostic tool, can be downloaded for free here.