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Retailers Wanted: Share Your Story About Growing Your
June 21, 2013
All the shopper research done by the NACS/CCRRC found that our customers are seeing what most convenience retailers already know; i.e. there’s a lot more stores competing for their convenience business and some of the new ones are doing a pretty good job. And if that’s not enough, the research also shows that the convenience retail channel has enough negative images in the shoppers’ minds to cause some to not even consider convenience retailers as an option.
These are big challenges that must be faced head on if we’re going to find ways to grow sales.
One place to look for help is the Playbook for Success: A Three Step Guide to Growing C-Store Business, recently completed by the Council. It provides research-based guidance that convenience retailers can use to build a stronger base for growth by finding ways to better align their efforts with the needs of their shoppers. There is guidance for retailers who are still working on getting all the basics in place and for those looking for ideas to fine tune their “grab and go” business. Lastly, there are also new growth platforms for retailers who are ready to meet entirely new types of shopper needs.
The Playbook contains a short set of questions retailers can use to survey their own customers and the results will point to where they can make immediate changes, including:
- Putting all the basics in place to meet minimum shopper expectations.
- Defending “their turf” in order to be the best choice for “grab and go”.
- Identifying and building new areas to generate sales.
This guidance was developed by retailers on the Council and for the remainder of 2013, we’re collecting the experiences of those who are beginning to use this guidance in their businesses to develop case studies, large and small, to help others see how they can benefit from this work.
Carol Jensen, chairperson of the NACS/Coca‑Cola Retailing Research Council and Wawa’s chief marketing officer and brand officer commented:
“The Council encourages retailers to participate by providing information and case studies about their experiences to help other retailers. Our industry has a strong entrepreneurial foundation, and each member company has an opportunity to learn from each other. There’s clearly an opportunity for more retailers to jump start their own sales growth by being part of this “doing and learning” phase of our work. Take action now!”
If this sounds interesting to you, just pull down a copy of the Playbook by going to to see if this looks like something that you could use.
If it does, email me at and I’ll provide more information.
This is an opportunity for you to learn along with some of the best retailers in the business and there’s no cost to be part of it and no obligation to learn more.
Bill Bishop
Research Director
NACS/Coca‑Cola Retailing Research Council
Founder, Willard Bishop Consulting and Chief Architect
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