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January 10, 2017
Improving employee performance is sadly looked upon by many businesses as a “soft” science, one that can’t be quantified and rarely brings any benefit. After all, is there any real way of measuring whether happy staffers matter to sales or profits?
Well in truth, the proof does exist and the facts make a strong case for studying and improving employee connections. Consider these ways engaged employees can improve customer experience and help grow your business:
- Overall customer experience satisfaction is 9 percent higher at stores with strong employee engagement, and that leads to a 7 percent increase in return traffic.
- Shoppers of stores with engaged employees are 13 percent more likely to recommend the store to friends.
- Most strikingly, stores with above average employee engagement generate 4 percent more gross profit dollars per labor hour and see nearly 7.5 percent less turnover.
Those findings are part of the extensive surveys conducted by the Service Management Group for the new CCRRC North America NACS report on employee engagement. The report provides ample evidence and tools to help companies and individual managers improve their skills in motivating and leading their teams.
People Power for C-Stores can be downloaded for free here.